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Writer's pictureFree To Fly

Heartfelt Thankfulness To BRIOTECH

At the onset of Covid-19 in March of 2020, we learned of a company called BRIOTECH that produces a pure form of hypochlorous acid (HOCl), long known to the science community as a sanitizer which also benefits the skin, health, and wound healing. Free To Fly founder, Yolanda Christensen, had some experience with other forms of HOCl due to its benefits to the skin and its wound healing properties. It was the effective post care treatment protocol Yolanda utilized for a branding tattoo removal performed on a survivor. Additionally, with Covid-19 cases first appearing in the United States right here in the Snohomish and King Counties, and Briotech's demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), their product was an ideal and perfect fit for Free To Fly's eCommerce store. So the journey began!

After nearly six months of placing wholesale orders for Free To Fly's eCommerce store, Briotech's Brand Manager, Monica Terry, reached out in August 2020 to learn more about Free To Fly and our mission of bringing awareness, freeing and mending the brokenness of children, adolescents and adults affected by human trafficking. Briotech has had a decade long vision to change the world and has always supported the causes and charities that are near and dear to their employees by donating a portion of their sales.

We had the honor of meeting with these world changers and learning more about their pure form of HOCl. Hearing about their dedication to providing Briotech products to people everywhere on earth and a focus to serve vulnerable and marginalized populations. A vision in step with Free To Fly. As a result, in September 2020, BrioEarth (the humanitarian division of Briotech) partnered with Free To Fly to come alongside us and help support survivors of human trafficking.

We could have never imagined the blessings and generosity Briotech would give in support of Free To Fly. Briotech blessed us with the gift of time, acts of service and has also donated to support some of our campaigns. Founders Dan Terry and Cindi Varela have been instrumental in providing their wisdom, insight and grace as Free To Fly continues on our journey. Monica Terry, one of the most talented, kind, and brightest persons we have had the pleasure to meet, created our beautiful new website which launched January 25, 2021. Nick Varela-Terry, Briotech Retail Business Manager, registered Free To Fly in their Affiliate Program where customers receive 15% off all Briotech products and 25% of all sales goes to helping children, adolescents, and adults affected by human trafficking by simply using the promo code "FREETOFLY" at

Thank you, Dan, Cindi, Monica, Nick, and the entire Briotech family. It has meant the world to all of us, and because of you, many more people and survivors can, and will, be reached.🦋

With love and respect 🙏❤️🦋

To learn more about this amazing company and how their products benefit the skin, health, and wound healing needs, take a look around their website ( See what they are doing for the good of mankind in medicine and in healthcare.

We hope to see every clinic, every survivor we reach, every person in the world get access to Briotech’s game changing spray. Anyone and everyone would benefit from using their products.

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